Montag, 18. August 2008

back in Germany

Okay, since I am back in Germany and my German friends are able to talk to me in person I thought it might be good to write in English on here so my people in Texas can read what I experience.

I am back here in Germany for more than 1 week now and still not there. I miss Texas and my friends over there so much that I really wanna go back soon. BUT first of all I need to finish my school. I wish I'd be finished already.
School started one week ago and I don't wanna go anymore because I have so many classes and stuff to learn and all of that at such bad times that it will be hard to get a job without doing less for school. That kind of worries me but there is nothing I can do about it. God has to take care of it and I just need to trust that he does. =)

Well, on Friday I did the sermon at our youth group in church. It was the first time they met after summer break and so we had a special topic: Hawaii. I put on things so I looked Hawaiian. lol that was kind of funny.
My Sermon wasn't really prepared at all. People who know me might've realized that I am a person of control and perfection. So, I am ALWAYS prepared, especially for things like that. But, I didn't have a single word written down. I just got up on the stage with my devotional and my bible and that was it. I looked at them and started talking.
It all worked out, and it was good (to quote some of the people who listened). =)
After the youth group (called BIJ by the way, you pronounce it like 'beach' and it means 'Believe In Jesus')
I went to a double birthday party. We had a lot of fun there and the girls wanted to know everything...=) and they told me to write a book 'cause 'it sounds so perfect' (quote of 3 of the girls).

On Saturday I drove to a big youth service in 'Wuppertal', named 'x2c' (=generation x to Christ).
It is about an hour drive away, but only if you don't end up at the airport, driving the wrong way. =D
But we got there in time and it was really good. I like going there. =)

On Sunday I went to church where Travis was asked about his time in Germany and got blessings for a save trip back. I went up front with him to translate everything.

There were some other things but I don't wanna tell everything. =)
Still need to write my report for English class tomorrow where I have to present and explain it to the class. Not looking forward to that. =(

BUT, I wanted to share 2 videos with yall. I made them on the way from Houston to London out of the plane and I thought it was kind of special. I have never seen anything like that before. So, enjoy =)

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