Montag, 2. November 2009

God - our iron man

Please watch this and come back to this note:

I saw this video today, and I am amazed. I saw this, and I thought of God.

This man in the video did the iron man which is really hard to do:

2,4 miles to swim (3,86 km),
112 miles to cycle on a bike (180 km) and
26,2 miles to run (42,195 km ) (marathon)

and this all one right after the other!!!

I would be dead after swimming already!
But as shown in the Video, the man does not only 'just' do the iron man.........he also takes his son -who is a child with special needs- with him! He does not just carry his own weight through this trial, he takes his son and also carries his weight for he cannot do it on his own and loves to do the iron man as well!
I am so amazed by this and it really touches my heart to see this great act of love!

This is exactly how God is.
God is like this father, even greater!
He lifts us up on his strong arms, he carries our weight, our burdens and puts them on himself and carries us through the trial!

He swims with us through the deepest sea of tears, pain and fear,
He drives us through the desert where we are dried out, up on a hill where we feel like we cannot get up on our own and
He runs with us the marathon of life, like the wind in our back that pushes us so it is easier for us to reach the goal!

This is what God does!
He is so amazing and so strong.

The reason why He does that?
Because we are His children, you are His child. He has made you, He has chosen you to be His son or daughter, He has called you by name, He has engraved you in His palms, He has paid for you to be free......

and most of all: just because He loves you!

He loves you unconditionally. There is nothing you can do to deserve this love, nor to be loved less.
The Father, God, loves you just because you are.

Isn't that great?

So come, come to him, get on His arm and let Him carry you through the 'Iron man' called life! He will do, never let you fall and carry you through!

Just like the father in the video 'carried' His son.

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