Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010

no clue!

Sometimes life gets really breath-taking......sometimes in a positive, sometimes in a negative way.
Right now I am really in this negative kind of way thing.

I've been studying at seminary for almost a semester now. It is quite interesting, bewildering, surprising and weird. Some things you learn really make you sit there and think about faith and if the way you believe is the way to believe.
You just need to watch out not to fall when you stumble!

To my own surprise I enjoy being here and I got to know a lot of interesting personalities, each one gifted by God, with a great story and definitely loved by Him.
It is these people who make this seminary as special as it is.

Still, I am in this really negatively breath-taking situation right now and I am not quite sure how to deal with it and what to do about it, well, perhaps I have a guess, but...... first, here is what's going on:

About 2 weeks from now, I just started with my finals.
This thought by itself makes me so nervous that I am about to panic! 2 weeks!!
I got 4 finals to take, 3 in written form, one orally.
My problem is, each and every day I tell myself: today, I will study all day long!
And I really need to.
But then, when I try, I cannot concentrate at all. My thoughts always drift away to other topics which are affecting me right now, and so, everything I try to memorize and keep in mind, just won't stay there and so it happens pretty often that I read a sentence 5 times until I realize I did!!!
And this whole fact discourages me so much, that right now, I cannot even get myself up to study!
So the circle goes on and on: can't concentrate, discouraged, don't study, panic .....

What can I do about it???

I kind of guessed that the only way to deal with this, the only way that could actually work is, to give my thoughts, I mean those topics affecting me, to give them to God, to hand them over to him.
This would be the best way to deal with it and this is the way that seems to be the one which is the most successful.
Somehow, it does seem to be the most difficult one as well.

How can I give my stuff to God? How can I hand him all that turmoil in me, all those thoughts eating up my insides???
It is really hard to be in that position.
I feel like if I try to give it up to God, I would lie to Him! I am not ready to go let off it yet, I am not ready to hand it over, what shall I do?
this not being able to study is not good right now. Not at all!

I have no other clue right now

1 Kommentar:

TheResa hat gesagt…

Happy Börschtday zuerscht emol. Und dann: Probiers doch mal, beim spazieren gehen zu lernen. Vielleicht klappt das besser.
Und ich hoffe, dass du heute schön feierst und keinen Gedanken an irgendwelche Prüfungen verschwendest. Noch ein Tipp: Organisier dir die Prüfungsfragen der letzten Jahre. Das soll so ein Geheimtip auf dem Campus sein, dass die immer mal wieder in die gleiche Richtung gehen. Tschühüsss. Die Patin.