Montag, 2. November 2009
God - our iron man
I saw this video today, and I am amazed. I saw this, and I thought of God.
This man in the video did the iron man which is really hard to do:
2,4 miles to swim (3,86 km),
112 miles to cycle on a bike (180 km) and
26,2 miles to run (42,195 km ) (marathon)
and this all one right after the other!!!
I would be dead after swimming already!
But as shown in the Video, the man does not only 'just' do the iron man.........he also takes his son -who is a child with special needs- with him! He does not just carry his own weight through this trial, he takes his son and also carries his weight for he cannot do it on his own and loves to do the iron man as well!
I am so amazed by this and it really touches my heart to see this great act of love!
This is exactly how God is.
God is like this father, even greater!
He lifts us up on his strong arms, he carries our weight, our burdens and puts them on himself and carries us through the trial!
He swims with us through the deepest sea of tears, pain and fear,
He drives us through the desert where we are dried out, up on a hill where we feel like we cannot get up on our own and
He runs with us the marathon of life, like the wind in our back that pushes us so it is easier for us to reach the goal!
This is what God does!
He is so amazing and so strong.
The reason why He does that?
Because we are His children, you are His child. He has made you, He has chosen you to be His son or daughter, He has called you by name, He has engraved you in His palms, He has paid for you to be free......
and most of all: just because He loves you!
He loves you unconditionally. There is nothing you can do to deserve this love, nor to be loved less.
The Father, God, loves you just because you are.
Isn't that great?
So come, come to him, get on His arm and let Him carry you through the 'Iron man' called life! He will do, never let you fall and carry you through!
Just like the father in the video 'carried' His son.
Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009
God is speaking
First of all, I want to explain a little bit about how God speaks.
The Bible tells us so much about how God spoke to people. He showed himself in different form of nature. For example, he appeared as a burning bush and out of that bush, God spoke directly to Moses (Exodus 3).
God also spoke through angels. He send them as messengers to tell people he'd chosen what he wanted them to know. A good example is where the angel comes to tell Mary she will become pregnant and give birth to Jesus, God's beloved son (Luke 1: 26-38).
Something that appears pretty often in the Bible is God speaking through dreams and visions :
1 Kings 3:5 , Genesis 20:3 and more
He speaks through other people, through scripture (the Bible) or through phrases which meet us via internet, newspapers, books or whatever you can read or listen to.
There may be some ways of God's speaking I didn't mention, but I think I listed the most common ways.
Well, like I said at the beginning of this post, I was really really upset Sunday night. I am not gonna say why, because that is not important right now.
What is of importance and what I wanna share is what happened that night, while I was upset and being mad at God because I felt like He was preventing me being happy.
I sat at my desk in front of my computer and had all those thoughts and feelings I just mentioned. All of a sudden, I remembered a song and felt I should listen to it. So, I hit youtube, typed in the song and listened. And while I did words appeared on my screen! Words, telling me exactly what I needed in that situation. I will quote here, what came up my screen within about 20 minutes:
‘Don't get disappointed when God doesn't give you what you want.....
For he knows the best time for you to have it.....’
‘My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
psalm 62:1’
'call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3
'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29,11'
'God has a reason for allowing things to happen
'we may never understand His wisdom'
'But we simply have to trust His will...'
'We face all challenges'
'beyond all the problems'
'because we believe that the more pain we overcome... the more stronger we become'
'sometimes all we can do is rest on His arms as He takes us through the journey of life.....
With Him we are safe... ‘
Honestly, at the first few words I was speechless.....and then I was annoyed. I really felt like: Thanks God! Right now I just want to be mad at you and not talk to you and just......and then you tell me this?? Just leave me alone, how can I be mad at you if you tell me this???
And then he kept on writing on my screen and telling me what I also posted. I, still, was so annoyed. Now, two days later of thinking about it, I am honestly glad. I wanted to turn away from God in that moment, I just wanted him to leave me alone, I wanted to ignore him, keep him away from my life. But God came right into this Situation and knocked on my door, the door of my heart. He wanted me to listen to him, wanted me to actually see and realize that I don't need to understand everything and question everything, but even in hard times, trust him and believe it is for my good.
I think if he hadn't talked to me in that moment, I would still be mad at him and turn my back to him. He knew it and so, he talked to me right away, told me what I needed to hear. I am so thank ful for his speaking to me.
A friend I was talking to while God was talking to me said: ' He is going to use you for great things'
me: '?' He: 'Why does he keep knocking on your heart if he doesn't want to use you'
I think he is right. Why does God do this, if he doesn't want to use me? Why in the world would he so go after me all the time (because this was not the first time he did this) and grab my hand when I want to turn away from him??
I am excited what he is going to do. I am looking forward to it, although I don't know what it will be. But if it comes from God, it is going to be great, not easy, but great. =)
Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009
a few thoughts that came up my mind
Honestly, I didn't expect it being the way it turned out to be. But, thinking about it: did I expect anything at all???
I actually don't think I did.
All I knew was: God had placed me here, wanted me here and I wasn't gonna stay in Texas. I did not really expect anything from my studies at seminary except it empowering me to work for God's glory. 'I just need the degree' that's what I thought. I was and am so ready to go out into the world and work for him, to fulfill my dream and move to Texas, find a church and work there.
But this is just the first glance.......the second one says: you need more knowledge, a lot more knowledge to be able to speak, you need some more time to mature, you need to work on yourself a lot more as well and, why don't you ask God why he put you there in first place???
A lot of people here at seminary asked me about my story, like, why I wanna study theology and why I came to this seminary.
All I could say was: 'God called me into ministry and I followed. My first impression of this seminary when I visited it in November 2008 was not too good. It is outside the city and really quiet. You barely saw people around and there was just nothing. I didn't wanna go here.'
To that they asked me: and now? What do you think now?
I found the perfect quote to answer that question, a quote that really expresses my situation:
'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.'
(Douglas Adams)
Yes, I am where I was send to. I just don't know why here.
Is it to teach me patience? Is it to make me sensitive to God speaking? Is it because there is something waiting here for me to be done? Is it because I would've failed studying in the US?
I don't know. And it is not intended for me to know. Not yet.
Why? Well, if it was, I would know it already.
I need to remind myself over and over again that God is in control, he is the one to guide me and to reveal the next step or a part of his plan.
And especially remind myself that God is good and his plans are good.
yeah, it sounds easy.....but it is not, I know. There is so much I would love to do instead, where I would love to be.....
I am really impatient with some things and myself.
So I am thankful for everyone who reminds me that not in my, but God's time, He will give me what my heart desires and what I cannot see yet: that being obedient is the right thing to do and that following wherever God leads me is the best that can happen to me.
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009
Gracious giver and provider
I got off the plane in Frankfurt and sat down with all my stuff, waiting on the train to come and bring me to Siegburg, when it hit me and I wrote this down.
After 2/3rds I was interrupted by the train coming and having to run to get on it in time (yeah not that easy with a heavy backpack, a camera bag, 2 suitcases and a big stuffed bear on my arm!).
I didn't have time to finish it till about 2 weeks ago and now, today, I finally had the opportunity to type it down. So this is the explanation why some times mentioned in the sermon are not completely correct anymore and why it took so long until I posted it here.
I hope you do enjoy it and God is telling you something through this.
I would like to know what you think so feel free to comment. (sry for spelling mistakes, I typed pretty fast)
31 So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
(matthew 6: 31-34 TNIV)
I spend my summer in Texas this year. Usually I learn something during that time. Whenever I come over to Texas, God teaches me another big and important lesson in my life.
The first year I came over (2006) it was basically trying to move onto a path that enables me to live and by that become able to follow God's plan later on.
The second year I came (2008) it was trust and I've written about it before. God taught me to trust that he has a plan for my life and that it is good, for my best although I might not understand how this could work or.................. yes, although I might suffer.
This year was the longest I've ever stayed abroad. 2 months. It was an awesome time with lots of friends, lots of joy and yes, lots of tears.
The morning I left (yesterday) Andrea, my very sweet friend, came over to my house to say goodbye.
She asked me: 'What do you think God has taught you during your time here?'
The question hit me right in the face! I hadn't thought about this. I mean, I knew God had used me being in Texas before to work on me and my walk with him......but I hadn't thought about him teaching me something this year in Texas...
Andrea made me face this, made me face the fact that God might've taught me something this summer.
I had a long flight now and time to think about it and I came to the conclusion: Yes! God has indeed taught me a huge lesson; and I didn't realize it!
You might wonder what it is, you sit there, totally curious and think: tell me! Spit it out! Pop the secret!
But before I do, I need to tell you something about myself:
I am a control freak! I need to know what is gonna happen when and where and how. I need to know who is around me, who is doing what and who is going where.
This sounds like I am no fun to hang around with and you might want to avoid me from now on. But you can ask my friends who I hung around with and according to them inviting me again I think, it is not that bad. You barely realize me trying to be in control.
Anyway, I am a control freak and if there is something that is not good for a healthy relationship with God, than it is you trying to have control about everything.
God is the one who should have full control about your life. He can do it. Remember, He has created, how couldn't He be able to take care and control of your life?
Right! I agree to that.
Well, this year God sowed me that I cannot have control about everything. All I can do is trust in him taking care, him being in control.
This is hard to do. It means you have to trust and it challenges you to be patient.
But most of all, it asks you to accept.
Just because God takes care and you give him control over your life does not mean that he is going to work it out the way you wish he would, the way you've imagined it.........
it does not mean God is going to make your dreams come true.
Did you just swallow the big knot that appeared in your throat? I did.
God taking care does not mean he fulfills your dreams!
What a tough statement. But it is so true.
Just because we imagine something being good for us doesn't actually mean it really is.
We just get a small glimpse of our future, we can just picture a tiny part of it........
but God sees the whole plan, he sees everything that's in our future.
So, he knows what is best for us, for me and for you, and he can see what would result out of us getting everything we desire.
Referring back to my task last year, the lesson I was taught which I wrote about the other day, referring back to that, we should trust God to have a good plan with us, with me.....and with you. He wants your best and this is the reason why he might not fulfill your dreams.
Hard, isn't it?!
This is something God really showed me this summer and I struggle with accepting it, I really do. But honestly, what other choice is there?
The biggest thing God has taught me this time though, is something different but it adds to the control part, that's why I mentioned this one before.
The biggest thing God showed me and what I just realized is, that He provides everything.
He provides everything!
I've experienced God as the gracious giver and provider this year, who gave me everything I needed, right when I needed it. Small things and big ones.
One of the smaller things happened right at the airport yesterday afternoon.
I wanted to check in and it turned out my suitcase was overweight! I've never had this happen to me before but as the saying goes, there is always a first time for everything.
The lady at the check-in said it would cost 150$! I was shocked! How in the world would I pay for it??? Good thing is: you can check in with two suitcases. Bad thing was: I didn't have a second one.
The one I used was already borrowed.
So, I ended up leaving Debbie ( my hostmum) with my luggage, running upstairs through the control and look for another suitcase. There was one place that had some......they were 79,99 $, pretty expensive, and I only had 77 $ left in my pocket.
I ended up running through the whole airport in Houston, looking for a suitcase. Just picture that for a moment.
At one point, I almost gave up. I prayed: God, please, I need it, I need it so badly!
And after what seemed like forever I saw another store, a golfer store, which are really expensive, I know, and where I usually never ever go in. But me being so desperate, I went in. And I found a really nice suitcase, good quality, it fit my needs 100%. And guess what? It was on sale for just 29,99 $!!
God made me have exactly what I needed, WHEN I needed it.
This was just a small need, but God helped me with it.
A really big thing though, where I experienced God as the gracious giver this summer was, that he put people in my life right where and when I needed them.
If it was meeting new people at the most ridiculous place in most ridiculous ways and find really good friends in them, if it was someone to tell me what I mean to them, if it was someone letting me know I am loved and cherished and welcome or tell me to believe in what God has gifted me with and keep on writing sermons, or if it was someone to listen and feel.
God blessed me with this this summer, with the most amazing friends I've ever known.
They stepped into my life, moving me to points where I could begin to grow to the next level.
They encouraged me in different ways, with different topics in my life.
They supported me.
This is one of the most precious gifts someone can ever get.
Leaving Texas was not easy for me, those of you who know me, really know how much I love Texas and consider it being 'home'.
But I had to leave, knowing I would start seminary in Berlin, knowing this is where God had placed me. And I wanted to follow his plan for me.
Nevertheless, I sat on the plane, opening cards and letters I'd gotten from friends, listening to the song my dear friend Emily wanted me to listen to ever day.........and I had tears in my eyes.
I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave.
But then I reminded myself: God is taking care, He will provide just like he did this summer.
It was a tough task for me and still is.
But there is this Bible verse that totally encourages me. It is -what else could it be- in Jeremia, Chapter 17: 7 :
'The person who trusts in the LORD will be blessed.'
One of my favorite Christian writers, Max Lucado, says to this verse: 'Understand it as Jesus saying: You do the trusting, I'll do the taking.'
God will provide my needs, he will take care, He will put people in my life where and when I need them and He will enable me to do what He has planned for me.
He has shown me that he does see my needs and does not ignore them but provide.
He just does it in his ways and in his time and I need to accept that.
What are your needs?
What are your longings, your desires?
What are you looking for?
Is it being famous and acknowledged?
Is it having a lot of friends, being cool?
Is it finding your match and getting married? Start a family?
Is it being a good wife / husband and being a role model for your children? Taking care of your family?
Doing good at school, finding a job, how to earn the most money?
Or is it how to deal with the wounds others have caused, the pain you carry for a long time now, buried inside?
Stopping the struggles with addiction and sin?
Whatever you think you need, whatever you are longing for, whatever your heart desires.......
God will the time and way he knows is best, not how you wish it.
I've experienced it this summer........and it is just the beginning of a long and amazing journey, full of joy, grace, tears and amazing people.......but most of all, it is an amazing journey with my God, the gracious giver and provider, the one who knows me from the inside out, the one, who gave his life so I could be saved,
because he loves me unconditionally.
And you know what? He is waiting for you to go on such a journey with him and let him write your story.
Mittwoch, 9. September 2009
football and back in Germany
also, endlich ist es so weit, ich kann von dem Aggie Football game berichten.
Es war am Samstag, dem 5. September in Kyle field. Um 2.45 Uhr wurde ich von MJ abgeholt und wir sind losgefahren. Ich habe einen Presseausweis bekommen, was ziemlich cool ist, weil die schwer zu bekommen sind, heiß begehrt und eigentlich ziemlich teuer. Eine normale Spiel karte kostet sonst schon um die 200 $ pro Spiel, wenn man nen einigermaßen guten Platz haben will.
Und ich hatte nen Presseausweis, inklusive buffet und Getränke so viel man wollte.....und das ohne irgendwas zu bezahlen. =)
Nunja, als wir dann in Kyle field (so heißt das Stadion, das 80.000 Leute fasst) angekommen und haben das Equipment von MJ und seinen Collegen aufgebaut.
Dann sind wir runter, an der Security vorbei und raus auf's Feld. =)
Ich habe Fotos von den Spielern gemacht, während sie sich eingespielt haben.
Dann ist irgendwann die Aggie Band (das Beste an den Spielen, hat ca 300 Mann) und die Corps of Cadets und noch andere eingelaufen oder eingeritten ins Stadion. Ich stand direkt daneben! Hammergefühl!
Später sind MJ und ich dann hoch in die Pressbox und haben gegessen und getrunken und das Spiel beobachteh. Ich habe echt viele Bilder gemacht. =D
Nachdem dann in der Halbzeit die Aggie Band gespielt hat und dabei die unglaublichsten Formationen gebildet hatte, sind MJ und ich dann wieder nach unten um den Rest des Spiels vom Spielfeldrand aus zu sehen. Ich stand also auf dem Spielfeld, während des Spiels, umringt von 80.000 Menschen die alle ihr Team anfeuerten.
Ich wäre sogar beinahe von eiem der Football Spieler umgenietet worden! Der Ball flog in meine Richtung und ich war gerade dabei meine Kamera einzustellen, als mich jemand ganz schnell packte und nach hinten zog. Das war echt mehr als Glück! Definitiv!
Alles in allem war es eine gute Zeit und wirklich unvergesslich. =)
Am Tag darauf (sonntag) sind wir in die Kirche, wo es anschließend mittagessen gab für alle aus der Sunday class gab.
Es fiel schwer dann goodbye zu sagen, aber es ist ja nicht für immer, zum Glück. =)
Nachmittags und abends kamen dann noch einige Freunde, die mir auf Wiedersehen sagen wollten. Superlieb und süß.
In der Nacht habe ich dann gepackt und bin am nächsten Morgen nach nur 2 Stunden Schlaf aufgestanden um den Rest fertig zu machen und dann ging es auf nach Deutschland.
Dort bin ich heile gelandet.
Ich vermisse Texas und morgen früh geht es auf nach Berlin!
Bin mal gespannt.....nicht aufgeregt, aber gespannt.
Montag, 7. September 2009
Die letzten beiden Tage waren echt voll und ich bin nicht zum Schreiben gekommen.
Ihr bekommt definitiv noch ein Update von mir für diese Tage.
Ihr müsst euch aber leider bis morgen Abend gedulden.
Bis dahin, liebe Grüße
Sonntag, 6. September 2009
Also werde ich morgen ausführlich berichten und jetzt schlafen gehen.
Bis dann
Samstag, 5. September 2009
Some thoughts God has put on my heart today
Last year God taught me a lesson. A lesson called 'trust'.
I was not trusting him having a good plan for my life, that his plan was to prosper me and not to harm me.
However, he put this verse, Jeremiah 29, 11 in front of me, wherever I walked. It says:
'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. '
Last summer, I started listening to this, I started trusting in this, trusting God. And it seemed like everything started to work for the better.
To trust is like never know if your parachute opens or not.
And this is how it feels, like sky-diving. I've never been sky-diving, but I really want to. What I know for sure though is, that I don't want to jump by myself but with a professional AND I will definitely need someone to kick me out of that plane! =D
Think about is exactly the same with God.
To trust God that he has a plan, and that he wants our best and not our worst, to believe in his promises........this really demands you to jump, to jump into the open sky, with no solid ground under your feet, with nothing to hold onto.
Isn't that scary??
I've heard people say: Why in the world would I jump out of an airplane with perfectly good motors???
This always makes me smile. =)
At some point, these people are right, because it appears so much safer to stay in that plane that flies perfectly good, that puts something around you to protect you from falling. So, why jump into open air, falling down with huge speed, not knowing if you will be slowed down by your parachute, or just hit the ground full speed and ........ be spread all over the place.
It seems so much safer to stay in the good running airplane.
BUT here is my point: you ask 'why in the world would I jump out of an airplane with perfect good motors?'
I ask you ' because the place it's gonna land at might be worse than standing the fear of jumping and falling down with high speed!'
think about it for a while........
It might be safer to jump out of an airplane and risk falling down and crashing onto the ground.........than landing safely at a place that is worse than you could ever imagine!
This is so much like our relationship with God.
We stay in our 'safe' plane, it is running pretty good. We don't have to fear falling down. We don't have to fear crashing.
We live our every day life, we go to church because it is on the schedule for Sunday mornings. We might go to a Bible study group during the week, because we enjoy seeing the people there and we don't know what else we should do on a Wednesday night.
But besides that, we go on with our habits, we think about what we are going to do tomorrow, we think about our to do list and how we are gonna get rid of all the points on it.
And when something occurs, when trouble appears or we get run over by life, we blame God. We say: you did not prevent this and this, you did not help me with this and this.....and so on
But this is not living a relationship with God.
Living a relationship means to trust that the other person wants my best, not my worst.
It means to TRUST.
And even when troubles occur, even if we don't understand what is happening, even if we have struggles and hardships..........even though, a relationship means to TRUST.
And trusting means to JUMP.
Like I said before, if I would literally go sky-diving, I want someone to jump with me, a professional I am attached to. And I will really need someone to kick me out of that plane.
This also happens in a relationship with God.
Jesus jumps with you. If you want to. He is the professional, he is the one who knows all and who has the perfect relationship with the Father, with God. He knows how jumping out of the plane is, he knows what it feels like, he's done it before.
So, get attached to him and let him open the parachute for you.
And if you want to, God's gonna kick you out of the plane. He will, but you have to ask for it. He won't do it unless you pray to him and ask him to do so.
You may still ask: Why in the world should I jump though.
The plane is good, and although Jesus would jump with me and take care of the parachute, why should I still risk it?
The only correct but most important answer is: because the plane will take you to a place worse than you can imagine. It will land safely, but that won't matter anymore.
So, jumping -although it appears to be much more dangerous, much more terrifying- is actually safer than staying in the plane and going to the worst place ever.
Don't you think so?
I do.
So why don't you join the sky-diving club, attach Jesus to yourself so he can safe you from hitting the ground and die, and give God the allowance to kick you out of the plane.
TRUST him that he has a the perfect plan and although it might seem to harm you sometimes, remember he wants your best and that it is gonna get better some day as long as you trust him and JUMP.
You might think: I've jumped before. But somehow, I got back on that plane of habits and every day life eating me up, excepting God from my life.
I encourage you to jump again.
We are all human beings and we tend to get on the same plane over and over again. But no matter what it is that keeps the plane's seatbelt around your waist........Jesus is ready to jump again with you and open the parachute for you.
And the very best thing about it is: it costs you NOTHING. The jump and the opening of the parachute are for free. Jesus has already paid for it. He has made it possible for you to do this.
So, why not take it for the first time?
Why not take it again?
I encourage you to jump and whenever you find yourself back on the plane, jump again.
It is worth it. And when you jumped, feel the air around you, feel the wind touching your skin, feel the sunlight shining on you and see the beauty of the world below you. Embrace the feeling and know, the parachute will open. Jesus promised it!
This is what I just thought about. I was planning on going into a completely different direction and talk about something different, but this is how God works.
He gives me input and I write it down to share. He is the master, I am th tool.
And maybe this is what you needed to hear today?. Maybe this is exactly the point you are standing at right now?.
I am excited what God is gonna use it for and what he has planned for your life. =)
I'll see you in the sky, flying right next to me.
Shelley&Travis, Jeff Dunham and Midnight Yell
Später sind wir dann im Texas Roadhouse Mittagessen gegangen und im Anschluss daran haben die Beiden mich nach Hause gefahren.
Ich bin dann online gegangen um Mails und so zu checken......da stürzt auf einmal mein Computer ab und als ich ihn wieder einschalte erscheinen nur zwei weißen streifen auf einem schwarzen bildschirm, wie ein Pausezeichen! Ihr könnt auch nicht vorstellen was für eine Panik ich hatte!!!
Bin dann um 7 Uhr abgeholt worden von MJ, also musste ich meinen Computer erstmal mit sich belassen.
MJ und ich sind zu Reed Arena von Texas A&M gefahren, da 'First Yell' stattfand. Die Aggies (Studenten) hier haben jeder seinen eigenen 'Schlachtruf', also, jede Stufe. Und jedes Jahr wenn die Football Saison beginnt werden die neuen Studenten mit einem Riesenevent und midnight yell (Üben des Rufes in Kyle Field, dem riesen Footballstadion). First yell, also das event, wurde dieses Jahr von Jeff Dunham veranstaltet, besser bekannt als 'Achmed, the dead terrorist' (wenn ihr den nicht kennt, youtubed ihn). Bevor er gesprochen hat haben wir verschiedene Gruppen von A&M gesehen, Tänzer (die einfach unglaublich waren), Sänger (Corps of Cadets), die percussions (Trommler) und Guitar Guy (ein Musiker, der in Jeff Dunhams Show integriert ist, aber jetzt auch seine eigene Zeit für Comedy hatte und echt gut war).
Jeff Dunham war wie immer einfach Brilliant und es war echt super ihn mal live gesehen zu haben und nicht immer nur auf Youtube. ;-)
Nach First Yell ( also, dem Programm) sind wir dann zu Kylie field gelaufen, mit tausenden von anderen Studenten und dort fand dann Midnight Yell statt. Es wurde die ganze Zeit gerufen die Kanone gefeuert und verschiedene Geräusche und Zeichen gemacht. Ach ja, und Aggie Songs gesungen.
Gegen Ende wurde fast alles Licht ausgeschaltet und das ist der Moement, wo alle ihr Date (also, boyfriend oder girlfriend) küssen. Und währen das Licht aus war hat ein Student -aus derselben Reihe wie ich nur weiter links von mir- seiner Freundin einen Heiratsantrag gemacht! SIe hat ja gesagt und alle auf dieser Seite des Stadions haben 'ge- whooped'.
Gegen 1 Uhr morgens war ich dann wieder zu Hause.
Es war ein toller Abend mit vielen schönen Erfahrungen. =)
Freitag, 4. September 2009
lunch and gretchen
Anschließend ist Debbie's Dad nach Hause und sie, ihre Mutter und ich zu Steinmark, weil wir einen Coupon in der Zeitung gefunden hatten und die gerade außerdem ein Sale-angebot hatten.
Ich habe 2 echt schöne Oberteile gefunden. Dad, du wirst eines davon besonders gut leiden können, denn es ist ein wenig flippig, nicht von den Farben her, aber vom Schnitt. Es ist definitiv ein Teil, was du gekauft hättest. =)
Nchdem wir Debbie's Mutter nach Hause gefahren haben sind Debbie und ich Heim.Dort wurde ich dann um 3.30 Uhr von Gretchen abgeholt und zum Tee eingeladen. =)
Gegen 6.30 Uhr war ich dann wieder zu Hause und habe mit verschiedenen Leuten gechattet und mit Debbie Fern gesehen. Nichts Spannendes also.
Jetzt sind es nur noch 4 Tage bis ich fliege!!! Wie die Zeit vergeht!
Ich bin echt traurig hier wegzugehen, aber wer weiß was Gott für mcih geplant hat. Wer weiß, was ich am Ths alles erlebe.
Donnerstag, 3. September 2009
breakaway and galveston
Ich bin aufgestanden, nachdem ich ausgeschlafen habe, und nach dem Frühstück sind Debbie un dich zusammen zu verschiedenen Läden gefahren. Ich habe endlich Postkarten gefunden und einige Dinge, um meinen Raum in Elstal zu dekorieren. =)
Debbie hat mir auch was gekauft. =) Etwas, was ich in meinem Raum aufstellen kann und micj an sie erinnert. =)
Abends hat Andrea mich abgeholt und mit zu 'breakaway' genommen, eine Bible study die jeden Dienstag Abend stattfindet, auf dem A&M Campus und wo viele Leute hinkommen.
Als wir ankamen, in die Halle gingen und ich mich umschaute klappte mein Mund vollkommen auf! Wir waren dort mit um die 7000 Menschen!!!! Super krass!!
Die Botschaft war echt super und die Musik auch.
Ich wünschte wir hätten sowas, eine so riesige Veranstaltung, an allein 1 Uni und die Menschen die alle zusammen kamen um von Gott zu hören und ihn anzubeten. Einfach unbeschreiblicch!
Heute Morgen sind Debbie und ich und Jake um 8 Uhr aufgebrochen richtung Galveston. Es war wunderschön! Wir haben den Tag am Strand verbracht, sind mit unseren Füßen in den Golf von Mexico =) und haben die Insel besichtigt.
Später sind wir mit der Fähre gefahren, um die Möven zu füttern.
Das tollste jedoch überhaupt war, dass ich auf der Fähre Delphine gesehen habe! Sie sind mit dem Boot geschwommen, aus dem Wasser gesprungen und und und......einfach toll dieses Gefühl diese Tiere zu sehen.
Gegen 8 Uhr Abends waren wir wieder in College Station und Debbie hat mich bei Spance Park rausgelassen, wo die College Sunday class sich getroffen, zusammen gegessen und dann Capture the flag (ein outdoor-spiel, was echt viel Spaß macht).
Alles in Allem war es also ein ereignisreciher und toller Tag. =)
Dienstag, 1. September 2009
fishing and 'a walk to remember'
Ich hab danach erstmal weitergeschlafen und bin letztendlich um 10.30 Uhr aufgestanden.
Den Nachmittag habe ich zu Hause verbracht und um 3.30 Uhr kamen Gretchen, Aubrey und Großmama mich abholen um mich mit auf ihr Grundstück zu nehmen, wo sie im Moment ein Haus bauen.
Es liegt etwas außerhalb von Bryan/ CS und sie haben dort eine n kleinen See. Aubrey und ich sind auf einen umgestürzten Baumstamm geklettert, der ins Wasser hineinragte. Dort haben wir dann 'minnos' gefangen, kleine Fischlein. Wir haben sie mit einem Netz herausgefischt.
Anschließend haben wir sie als Köder gebraucht, um nach Catfish zu angeln.
Ich war die EInzige die etwas gefangen hat, jedoch keinen Catfish und der kleine war nicht allzu groß. Demnach haben wir ihn wieder ins Wasser freigelassen.
Gegen 5.30 Uhr war ich dann wieder zu Hause und habe mit Abendessen vorbereitet. ANschließend kam Emily und sie, Debbie und ich haben zusammen 'A Walk to Remember' (Nur mit Dir) geschaut, denn Debbie kannte den noch nicht und jeder, absolut jeder muss den Film mal gesehen haben. Sie fand ihn gut.
Gegen 10.30 Uhr ist Emily dann verschwunden und als ich dann ins Bad gegangen bin habe ich einen kleine Gecko gefunden. Habe ihn gefangen (ist gar nicht so leicht, Leute) und ihn dann draussen frei gelassen.
Montag, 31. August 2009
a weekend full of events!
Nach nur 2 Stunden Schlaf hies es früh aufstehen! Debbie hat mich um 6.15 Uhr geweckt und ich habe mich im Halbschlaf fertig gemacht und ne große to-go-Tasse voll mit Kaffe gefüllt.
Um 7 Uhr kamen dann Vicky und Debbie aus Debbie's Sunday class und wir sind gemeinsam aufgebrochen Richtung Down Home Ranch, wo Kara, Debbie's Tochter, lebt.
Wir haben dort noch einige andere getroffen, zum Beispiel Debbie's Eltern. Von morgens an bis um ca 2 pm haben wir gearbeitet, rund 3000 Poinsettias (Weihnachtssterne (Pfalam)) umgetopft und in das Gewächshauf gebracht.
Es war eine gute Zeit.
Als wir wieder zurück zu hauese ankamen habe ich geduscht, dann noch ein wenig geschlafen und bin dann zu Emily's dessert party! Das war sowas von spaßig. =)
Samstag, 29th August:
Ich habe was länger geschafen. Nach dem Frühstück bin ich dann mit Kara zu Kroegers gefahren um noch Sachen zu kaufen für den Abend. Denn mein Event 'a-dead-animal-between-two-slices-of-bread' sollte stattfinden, mein Hamburger cookout. Ich hatte ca 25 Leute eingeladen und um 6 Uhr kamen dann so langsam nach und nach auch alle.
Gary hatte zum Nachtisch einen riesen Kuchen für mich betellt. Total süß! Wir haben gegessen, uns unterhalten, draußen beobachtet wie Hunter einen Chip nach dem Nächsten an den Hund verlor und einiges an Blödsinn gemacht.
Da ich ja im Januar nicht hier sein werde und meine Freunde aus Texas nicht in Deutschland, kamen sie auf die gloreiche Idee Happy Birthday zu singen, bevor der Kuchen angeschnitten wurde. LOL! Ich glaube es war Emily's Idee. =)
Als einige gegangen waren haben die restlichen ein Spiel gespielt. 'Apples to Apples'. Ist'n ziemlich cooles Spiel und macht echt Spaß. =)
Sonntag, 30.August:
Um 7.15 Uhr hieß es aufstehen und duschen, fertg machen für die Kirche.
Der Gottesdienst war okay, Problem war wiedermal meine Müdigkeit, die es shwer gemacht hat während der Pradigt wach zu bleiben. Aber die Musik war wie immer klasse. =)
Die Sunday class danach war der Hammer! Morgen beginnt für die College Studenten die Schule. Demnach sind alle wieder hier in der Stadt und wir hatten locker 250 College Studenten im Raum!!!! Stellt euch das vor! Eine sunday class, größer als unsere Gemeinde!!! Awesome!
Ich bin die ganze Zeit wie wild rumgelaufen und habe versucht möglichst alle zu erwischen die ich kenne, oder kennengelernt habe diesen Sommer, damit sie meine Texas Flagge die ich habe signieren können und diese dann in meinem Zimmer hängen kann. =)
Habe nch nicht alle erwischt, aber einen Großteil. Habe ja noch einen Sonntag. Aber nur einen ='( ='( ='(
Nach der Kirche sind Debbie, Gary, Kara, Wesley, Mj und ich essen gegangen, und waren mit Bubba bei McAllister's verabredet. War echt gut Bubba wiederzusehen. Liebe Grüße and alle die sich an ihn erinnern.
Später kam dann noch Emily bei uns zu Hause vorbei und hat mit uns herumgegammelt und geredet.
Den Rest des Tages habe ich dann mit lesen und Unterhaltungen verbracht.